The Station
A free ministry outreach developing “Kingdom Responders” to be available, competent, critically thinking disciples of Jesus Christ.
Mission and Vision:
To build a strong, supportive online community of Christians who desire to be intentional in their walk and empowered, competent, and available to respond to the call of God, dispatching into this world to fulfill the purpose of resuscitating the heart of man and the church back to God.
We listen for God to speak and mature our minds, bodies, and souls to a more intimate, obedient, and fulfilling relationship with Christ.
We prepare to respond to His call with courage and wear the armor of God when dispatched to protect and serve our community, prepared at a moment’s notice to handle any circumstance with competency.
We fellowship with the Father and one another, building relationships, and valuing others as brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing our knowledge, practice, and understanding to further equip others.
We work individually and together, strengthening our minds, bodies, and spirits to be available to God and those He calls us to assist with life challenges thereby resuscitating the hearts of men, women, and the Church to Him.
Clinton Fleming, the author of Responding to the Call - Resuscitating The Heart of Man Back To God, leads participants through his Orientation Manual.
To obtain a fuller understanding of how we can live a life surrendered and submitted to God, transformed into a more mature and fulfilled disciple, answering God’s call to live a life responding to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the two great commandments (Matthew 22:37-39).
“I will hold the watchman accountable…”
Ezekiel 33:6